Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Climbing the Bluff

Eating lollypops on a walking trip is better than eating kangaroo poo!!!! Polly seemed very happy to pick the poo up & pop it into her mouth every time I looked away, fortunately took some lollypops for diversion!!

Toby & our visitors raced ahead on our walk & very quickly climbed up to the cliffs, you can just see two specks under the large rocks. What a wonderful natural wonder we have in the back yard!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Shearing the Rams

Some very small weaner lambs that we are feeding, just to give them a head start before going out to the paddocks without their mums. The lambs have become very quiet & unafraid so they come right up to the fence and take hay from the childrens hands.

Polly on the classing table in the wool shed watching the shearer's shear the fleeces from the rams.

Push those rams up for Robert & Giovanne..... Polly

Vince & Polly working hard trenching for the electrical cable at the new shearer's kitchen block.

Toby in on the action as well, when he gets bored digging lets go for a ride on the shovel...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Were back!!!!

This is the sweetest photo of Polly, couldn't resist posting this one on the blog.
Polly also loves helping dad at the yards, particularly chasing the dogs tail....Toby is behind the scenes pushing the sheep up for dad.

Not sure why, but it is getting harder to post on the blog these days....perhaps my time management is being compromised by certain small statued tots. We have visitors at present
staying in a caravan & joining in on all our daily excitement. Toby loves playing in the van, it
is a kid size house & has lots of little cupboards & gadgets to play with.
Till next time & hope it want be as long a wait.