Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wild Flowers & Sunsets

The sunsets have been really pretty lately with sunbeams popping out behind the clouds as the sunsets....some really amazing colours. A friend of mine has recently been visiting & took these photos.

Can you spot three tiny Dottrel eggs........these little birds nest right beside the roads, brave as, and the eggs are the sweetest things, very hard to spot travelling at 80 plus km.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

One Year Ago - Forever Day

The 2nd October 2009 we made our Forever Journey to Taiwan to hold Polly Jane Ya-Huei for the first time......where has one year gone?
After such a very sedentary & quiet start, Polly has certainly made up for lost time with a frenzy & zest for all things fast & immediate, how full of life she is, a great achievement for such a little person. On Forever Day we share the childrens life story books & talk about Taiwan & the very special birth family that loveingly & selflessly gave Polly to us, her Forever Family, so that she would have big love, nurtue & the chance for something greater. We thank god for these special parents & must never forget the huge sacrifice they have made & the loss they endure.
As part of the was away selecting rams....we made slime & then had slime wrestling ......ummmmm What was I thinking!!!
All was going very well, until slime (made with Lux flakes & water plus food dye) entered certain areas of the body. Suddenly children stopped & froze & then the screaming started. Into the bath we fled for a good soaking.....much better after that. Toby tells me that "it got up my bot bot mum & it stings".
Running the dogs later in the day, Toby tells me that the girl dogs run first & then the boy dogs. I asked him why this was & he said very matter a factly that the girl dogs are in dream land. I did not have to say another word, but had to turn my head for fits of laughter. Thought David handled that question very well.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Goodbye Emma

Emma has been with us for 3 very quick months.....arriving end of June from Purpan University in France ready for 3 months Internship (work experience) at Llorac. She was a pleasure to host & became a very profivient quad bike rider & makes delicious crepes. We are all going to miss her very much & look forward to keeping in touch with her.
Bon appetite Emma.

Friday, September 10, 2010


We have had a lovely week with Nanna & Old Grandad from Wagga. A very interesting week with weather as well, rain freezing temps & now hot hot hot. Grandad has cooked up a storm & now my freezer is full of delicious scones & shortbread.....some easy smokos for me!!
Nanna has been teaching the kids bull riding tips & pilates exercises. We will miss them when they leave on the weekend.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our little Prep boy

Can you believe is looming next year & Toby had Open Prep Day at Longreach School of Distance Education last week. He had a ball, no shy boy in our house. All the teachers dressed up as fairytale characters, including Cinderella above. He asked the Cat in the Hat the following question at the end of the day. "Excuse me, Catty are you going to be here next year?"
We are going to have lots of fun.....he he he!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Muttaburra Race Day

Fashion of the Fields at Muttaburra Races.....go he raced out the door he wanted to grab his sunglasses & just as well. Teamed with his black jacket the young man did look super cool. Unfortunately he did not win but it was a good experience.

The Bagshaw Boys

Here are a few photos of David & George Bagshaw - our cousins.....Polly & David are smitten with each other, while George & Toby are great little mates.